
【お知らせ】世界選手権大会で発生した事態について/Japan Lacrosse Statement


2023 World Lacrosse Men’s Championshipの5位決定戦にて、試合終了間際に負傷した箱崎選手は近隣の病院での検査の結果、異常が無いことが確認されました。

日本ラクロス協会はこの一連の出来事が起こってしまったことを強く憂慮し、ラクロスの競技の発展と選手の安全なプレー環境を確保すべく、本日World LacrosseおよびEngland Lacrosse Associationとの三者会合を設け、今回の一件に対する協議を行いました。

日本からの呼びかけに応じて迅速に対応していただいたWorld LacrosseとELAには謝意を示すと同時に、本会合を受けて発表されたELAの謝罪は、箱崎選手をはじめ日本代表チームおよび日本ラクロスコミュニティに対する誠意が感じられたものとして、これを受け入れます。



In the 5th placement match of the 2023 World Lacrosse Men’s Championship, Sota Hakozaki, who suffered an injury near the end of the match, was examined at a nearby hospital and was found to be in good health.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the messages wishing for his safety and wellbeing.
The final result of 5th place in this competition would not have been possible without Hakozaki’s presence.
We look forward to seeing more of his world-class performance, safe and well.

Japan Lacrosse Association (JLA) is deeply concerned with the series of events that has occurred. To ensure a safe and secure environment for our players, we held a meeting today with World Lacrosse and the England Lacrosse Association(ELA) to discuss the point of views from both countries on the incident and our next actions.

We would like to express our gratitude to World Lacrosse and ELA for their prompt response to Japan’s call for action, and we accept the ELA’s apology announced in response to this meeting as a sincere sentiment toward Hakozaki, the Japan National Team, and the entire Japanese lacrosse community.
We hope that we can take hands in creating an environment where lacrosse players across the globe can feel comfortable and protected as they pursue their career.

We are also saddened by the outpouring of criticism directed at the England player and ELA as a result of this incident.
Lacrosse is supposed to be a peaceful means of resolving conflicts, not a source of new ones.
The three entities have already agreed on our next steps and hope to move on forward for our better future.